Join me in deep dive into the transformative potential of brow lift surgery. We will discuss the procedure, clarify common misconceptions, and explain the subtle yet impactful results it can achieve.
Learn about the different types of brow lifts, what they can and cannot do, and the innovative techniques used to ensure natural-looking results with minimal recovery time. I also address common concerns and answer frequently asked questions, providing a comprehensive understanding that empowers you to make informed decisions.
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All right, welcome to the Trillium Show, where we discuss different tips and tricks to help you improve your mind, your body, and your life. I'm your host, board certified plastic surgeon and medical director of Trillium Plastic Surgery and Trillium Aesthetics, Dr. Jason Hall. And you don't need anything that I have to offer.
You may want it, but you certainly don't need it. Now, I see a lot of patients who want to eliminate the tired or angry appearance, looking to have their eyes lifted. In reality, most of the patients presenting for this procedure in consultation have eyebrows that are flat or have fallen over time. And this is where a brow lift really shines.
It repositions angry or tired eyebrows and allows the true excess of the upper eyelids to be seen and removed at the same time. If we don't really look at the eyebrows and the eyes together, then the results of many eyelid lifts are Are not great [00:01:00] and patients still look tired or angry after the surgery But now you can't have anything done because so much extra skin has been taken if we try and lift the brows afterwards You can't close your eyes.
So in this episode, what we'll do is we'll discuss brow lift surgery in detail so you can understand both the procedure and what it can and can't do. What are the goals of a brow lift? So there are four main things that a brow lift does. First, it improves eyebrow position and shape. In women, we want your eyebrows to be above the level of your eye socket.
And we want it to be peaked, kind of from the inner to the outer eyebrow. In men, we just want that eyebrow to be more flat. We want it to be kind of at or slightly above the level of the eye socket. But we don't want to create a female brow shape and position in a guy. It doesn't look good. Kind of defeats the whole purpose of cosmetic surgery.
The second is to improve this, this kind of falsely tired or mad look. Or sad appearance that people can get. [00:02:00] Third is to improve moderate my, I'd call it mild to moderate upper lid skin excess without removing skin. In some cases, all we do by lifting the eyebrow, we eliminate any extra skin there. We don't have to put an incision there at all.
And then the fourth one is really when we're doing this in conjunction with a deep plane facelift is by taking out. extra that ends up here in the temples. And sometimes when we're doing a lot of repositioning, you can get a little bunching here in the temples, a brow lift will eliminate that. So those are the four things a brow lift does.
What does it not do? So a brow lift will not improve moderate to severe upper lid skin excess. We can elevate the eyebrow. If you've got too much eyelid skin there already, there is nothing we can do other than remove it, even repositioning the eyebrows. Secondly, it won't do anything to the lower [00:03:00] eyelids.
It is not going to improve the lower eyelids at all. Third is it will not do anything for wrinkles. If you have skin wrinkles here that you Don't like a brow lift by itself is not going to get rid of that. There are other things we have to do to help treat that. And then the fourth thing is it's not going to eliminate the need for neurotoxins.
So your Botox, Juveo, those are the gold standard for treating these forehead lines or the crow's feed or the 11 lines. A brow lift can help soften that a little bit, but you will always need toxin. Okay. to really flatten those lines out as best as possible. Brow lift scars are very often misunderstood.
People hear brow lift and they see scars on their forehead or across their hairline. In my practice, I do kind of an endoscopic style brow lift where there are four [00:04:00] small incisions that are all hidden in the hair. So back in the hairline, Kind of off center and then in the temples also back in the hairline.
We don't shave the hair You know the hair is kind of spread apart incisions are put there You really forget the, largely forget the incisions are there after they've healed. There are Occasionally patients who just need The, the tail of their brow. So the outer part of their brow lifted, and we can do that with two small incisions here without making the, the other two.
And that's called a temporal brow lift or lateral brow lift. And then the least common scar. is a hairline scar, so what we call a pre trichal or an open brow lift where that scar kind of follows the hairline right behind the hairline, you know, from the temples all the way across. That is very uncommon anymore and really is used in my [00:05:00] practice more for forehead reductions than for brow lifts themselves.
The most common are the small incisions kind of in the hairline off center and then in the temples. Brow lift surgery is done in the operating room under a general anesthetic. You're completely asleep. Most often when you're having a brow lift, you don't remember anything from the surgery. me seeing you in the holding area until you get home.
So from a recovery standpoint, what does recovery after brow lift look like? Obviously you've got to, you're going to be here for probably about 30 minutes to an hour. Um, in recovery, you have to have a driver and a responsible adult stay with you overnight. Typically see you on the first day, make sure everything is okay.
Um, but the more important thing is, Time off of work, time off of work, time off of exercise. And I tell people with a brow lift, you're still going to have a little bit of bruising and swelling at about two weeks. That is your kind of restaurant recovery. If you've listened to the deep plane facelift video, uh, kind [00:06:00] of go through restaurant recovery and red carpet recovery, that restaurant recovery where you can go out without people staring at you is typically two weeks.
If you bruise easily extend that a week to three, um, don't. Plan any big events So weddings class reunions big speeches things like that for three months That allows us to get through if little issues happen We'll talk about here here in a second that allows us to get those fixed and you still don't look weird for your event Don't like exercising for at least two weeks after surgery and then kind of gradually Ease back into a regular routine after about four to six weeks.
What other procedures can we do with a brow lift? So I would say brow lifts in my practice, 95 percent or more of the time we do an upper blepharoplasty or an upper eyelid at the same time can also do lower blepharoplasty surgery or deep plane [00:07:00] face and neck lift or all four of them together. Um, in one operative setting.
Who is not a good candidate for a brow lift? And this is a question that's probably just as, just as important as who is the good candidate is, Patients who have really, really thick, heavy faces, thick, heavy skin, or really thin skin are both not great candidates because healing can be an issue and just results can be an issue.
You know, thick and thin skin both make it difficult to reposition and get a durable result. Patients who are on blood thinners, patients who have bleeding problems, patients who have uncontrolled high blood pressure or cardiac problems. not good candidates for, for elective cosmetic surgery in general.
What are some of the things that can go wrong? And unfortunately, cosmetic surgery is still surgery. Complications still happen. And we need to talk about these. If surgery is going to be the right fit for you, you have to understand and accept the possible [00:08:00] complications. Fortunately, brow lift surgery, Complications are very, very rare.
Probably one of the most problematic ones is a hematoma or blood collection under the scalp. This really happens in about less than 1 percent of patients. Seromas can be a little bit more common and that is just a fluid collection under the scalp which can be easily aspirated with a needle in the office.
Probably the most common thing, and I wouldn't even, I wouldn't call it a complication because it happens all the time. frequently is there is some temporary numbness. A brow lift works, the work is really done right around your, the top part of your eye sockets where these the nerves that give you feeling to your scalp and forehead come out of your eye socket and those nerves can get bruised and so some temporary weakness of your forehead or scalp Is pretty common that goes away with time permanent numbness on the other hand is very very rare and Fortunately is is less than one percent of people because we're operating in [00:09:00] your hairline or in your hair Scar healing is not something that we can see, but there's something called shock alopecia or balding around the scar.
And that's less than 10 percent of patients. The nice thing is if we have that happen, we usually can remove that scar, repair it in the office fairly quickly. easily and eliminate that little bald spot. But again, that is a very rare complication, especially with the endoscopic style, kind of tiny incisions in the hairline.
So that's kind of brow lift surgery in a nutshell. As always, thanks for listening. If you enjoyed the show, please leave me a review on Apple Podcast. This helps other people find the educational content that I'm trying to put out. Helps people find the show. If you have an idea you'd like to see made into a show or have a question you want answered.
Send me an email media at drjasonhall. com or drop me a DM on Instagram or X at drjasonhall. You can also click the link in my Linktree bio, leave me a [00:10:00] voicemail and be anonymously featured with your question on the show. So thanks and we'll see you on the next show.
Contact us today to schedule your appointment with renowned plastic surgeon and face, body & breast specialist Dr. Jason Hall. Take your first steps to a more confident and natural you.
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