March 22nd, 2023
Trillium Plastic Surgery is a premier destination for Kentucky patients seeking high-quality aesthetic services. As a respected and renowned plastic surgery center, Trillium has gained a reputation for providing exceptional care and delivering outstanding results. Dr. Jason J. Hall, M.D., F.A.C.S., is as skilled as he is approachable and believes patient comfort goes hand in hand with surgical excellence.
April 11th, 2020
Click here to read an open letter to Governor Bill Lee regarding the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic affecting our communities. It is time to use data to make decisions, not fear and panic.
March 18th, 2020
As our community continues to feel the impact of the coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19), please know that we are closely monitoring the guidelines from the CDC in response. We will continue to take additional steps to keep our patients and staff safe and to prevent the spread of illness across our community.
March 16th, 2020
No doubt many of you reading this article have heard the term “Vampire Facial”, even if you don’t know what it really means. Truth-be-told, I don’t really know what it means. And, I think it’s a really silly name for a medical treatment. So, for the rest of this brief article explaining what PRP is and how it works in cosmetic medicine and surgery, I’m going to refer to it by the Boring, Not-Very-Catchy name “PRP treatment”.
March 5th, 2020
Medical treatment for breast cancer is rapidly evolving, and new guidelines for therapy are being released every year. The trend, fortunately for women and their families dealing with breast cancer, is moving more and more towards molecular and genetic treatment options.
February 24th, 2020
The point of any cosmetic treatment is not to fundamentally change your appearance, but to restore and enhance what is already there – to improve “you.” We strive to have our patients get reactions from friends and family like “Wow, you look great! Have you lost weight? Did you just get back from vacation?” They don’t know what you’ve had done, but they know they like the changes they see.
February 13th, 2020
Consider this situation: after years of thoughtful consideration and research, you (or your spouse/significant other) have decided to have plastic surgery. You asked a few close friends about good surgeons in the area and chose the one you felt most comfortable with. Very few people know about your surgery. Most of them know you’re going to be out of work for a week or two, but you have been vague about the reasons. You don’t want the world to know about your decision.
February 3rd, 2020
What do Tom’s Shoes, Whole Foods, and Warby Parker all have in common? It’s not that they are well-known and very successful businesses, which they are. It’s not that they all make or sell great products, which they do. The common denominator that these three companies share is found in their mission: as a company, they have committed themselves to helping our less fortunate neighbors around the world.
January 23rd, 2020
In the past few years, we have seen a quantum shift in the treatment of breast cancer. Medical treatments for breast cancer – chemotherapy, hormone treatments, and genetic treatments – have changed significantly, and although no cancer treatment is “easy”, newer therapies are much more effective and patient-friendly than in the past. Likewise, radiation treatments have become more targeted, meaning less “normal” tissue is affected.
January 13th, 2020
We all know what it is – a stubborn, unpleasing contour of the lower abdomen or side that makes bathing suits, tight pants, and form-fitting dresses seem like a bad idea. Whatever name we give it, it’s something that makes us want to run for the cover of our favorite baggy sweatshirt.
January 2nd, 2020
Dark circles under the eye are a common complaint and are caused by many different things from poor sleep hygiene to allergies to good ole mom and dad’s genetics. Treatment for under eye circles can include: eye creams, chemical peels, lasers (intense pulsed light or a resurfacing laser as Profractional), injectable fillers (Restylane and Voluma), or surgery (blephoplasty). Many people want improvement with facial aging and would like to improve their “tired eyes” or “drooping eyes,” but it is important first to determine the cause.
December 16th, 2019
Every once in awhile, usually in the quiet of the early morning hours when I’m the only person in the house that is awake, I get a chance to reflect on what it is I do every day. Those moments, sitting in the stillness (in front of the fireplace…sometimes with the AC on), it dawns on me the magnitude of what I have the privilege to do as a career.
December 5th, 2019
Despite the vast amount of marketing dollars aimed to get you excited about some fat-reducing device, magic skin cream, or whizz-bang injectable treatment, cosmetic medicine is still medicine, delivered (mostly) by trained professionals who have dedicated a significant portion of their life learning the nuances of anatomy and the aging process.
November 25th, 2019
Plastic surgery, as I have written before, is a wonderful specialty. As plastic surgeons, we affect positive changes in the lives of each of our patients on a daily basis. Some of the profound impact we have isn’t appreciated until much later – this is especially true in the case of much of the pediatric aspect of plastic surgery, a part that doesn’t often make it to the E! network or “Inside Edition”.
November 11th, 2019
If you read Time Magazine in June, one of the cover stories informed us that cosmetic surgery is the new norm – a closely akin to getting your hair done. The “taboo” that once surrounded aesthetic surgery is quickly disappearing. Conversations about “who had what done” and recommendations about which plastic surgeon is the “best” at which procedures – conversations that used to happen quietly and privately – are now discussed out in the open or online.
October 24th, 2019
Judging by the number of billboards advertising plastic surgery, Knoxville is a very competitive market for cosmetic procedures. So, one might expect larger or older or more “advertised” practices to take all of the honors. But this year, Dr. Jason Hall has been recognized as one of the best in Knoxville, although he’s just recently returned home after a 20-year absence.
October 17th, 2019
Do you notice how hard it is to determine the cost of a cosmetic procedure in Knoxville, or anywhere, before your consultation? That’s because most doctors don’t want to share that information. But Dr. Jason Hall is different! He understands that plastic surgery pricing is important for the Knoxville patient to know ahead of time. That’s why he uses the BuildMyBod Health Price Estimator.
September 9th, 2019
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions we hear from our patients regarding Breast Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma. WHAT IS BIA-ALCL? BIA-ALCL is a rare spectrum of disease that has been linked to textured breast implants. It can range from a painless fluid collection around the implant to a form of…
August 19th, 2019
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions we hear from our patients regarding Breast Implant Illness. WHAT IS BREAST IMPLANT ILLNESS (BII)? Breast Implant Illness (BII) is NOT an official medical diagnosis. Breast Implant Illness (BII) is a term that has recently been used by women who have breast implants who describe a…
August 2nd, 2019
Every week, Dr. Hall sees many women who are interested in having breast implants placed, and many of those women are not completely sure about what is involved with the procedure. If you have been unhappy with the shape or size of your breasts for years, or you’re just ready to turn a few more…
July 19th, 2019
Botox has become a product that is widely known in the United States. In fact, more and more men and women are choosing to receive Botox injections to treat various types of aging – crows feet, forehead wrinkles, frown lines – just to name a few. If you’ve been increasingly disappointed with your aging reflection,…
July 5th, 2019
Radiofrequency Skin Tightening has just recently become all the rage, though it’s been used for non-surgical Skin Tightening since 2001. I guess we can thank social media and high-profile celebs for making the general public more aware of this amazing technology. Radiofrequency Skin Tightening allows men and women the chance to enhance their appearance and…
June 21st, 2019
If you’ve been researching non-surgical solutions for skin tightening to improve your complexion, chances are you’ve come across the acronym PRP. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) has become quite the rage among men and women who are looking to improve their skin’s overall appearance. But what exactly is PRP and does it really work as a skin…
June 7th, 2019
Why, oh why do we have to deal with aging? Why can’t we just gain wisdom and knowledge and still keep the tight, smooth skin of our youth? Well, until someone finds the Fountain Of Youth hidden somewhere in the Smoky Mountains, we’ll have to deal with the inevitable – wrinkles and deep lines. Thankfully…
May 24th, 2019
Many men and women in the area know about Botox. And many men and women enjoy the benefits of having regular Botox treatments to treat their moderate to severe lines and wrinkles. But do you know at what age you should start getting Botox injections? Many people assume the right time to have Botox is…
May 10th, 2019
If you live in the area and have had Botox on your mind lately, Dr. Hall of Jason J. Hall, MD, FACS can help! As a board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Hall knows how to care for his patients and help them become the best version of themselves – regardless of whether he’s using a…
December 15th, 2018
If you’ve been researching tummy tucks, you may have heard that in some cases, it’s necessary for plastic surgeons to tighten the abdominal muscles during the procedure. You may have even come across the terms “diastasis recti” or “separated abdominal muscles.” What does this all mean? Read below as we explain. The 411 on Separated…
December 5th, 2018
If you’re a woman who’s thinking about getting a breast augmentation, you may already be researching the cosmetic procedure online. And through this research, you may have discovered that in the 1990s and early 2000s, silicone breast implants, which are filled with a silicone gel, were banned for usage in the United States by the…
November 24th, 2018
Most men and women who are considering getting a tummy tuck are doing so because they’re displeased with the current look of their abdomen. Whether they have a big bulge that just won’t go away caused by diastasis recti (also known as separated abdominal muscles), or they have loose and sagging skin as a result…
November 14th, 2018
Every year, Dr. Hall sees several men and women not because they want to go under the knife and have plastic surgery, but because they want to know if microneedling is right for them. A popular treatment option for rejuvenating the face and other areas, microneedling has become a must-have procedure for many Tennessee patients…
October 24th, 2018
Some people mistakenly believe that the goal of plastic surgery is to make you look like someone else. As Dr. Hall will tell you, that simply isn’t the case. Dr. Hall’s goals for his plastic surgery patients isn’t to make them look unrecognizable compared to their former selves. In contrast, his goal is to make…
October 14th, 2018
We get it. If you’re a woman and you have microneedling performed on your face, the most common place to have the procedure done, you want to know how soon you can get back to your normal skincare and makeup routine. After all, some women want the results of microneedling, but do not want to…
October 4th, 2018
When women decide to have a breast augmentation, they have so many choices to make. What types of implants will they get – silicone or saline? How big do they want to go? Do they want teardrop or round breast implants? The list goes on and on… One of the most important decisions a woman…
September 24th, 2018
Whether they desire breast implants as part of a total body rejuvenation procedure (commonly known as a mommy makeover) or as a standalone surgery, many new mothers decide to augment their breasts after they’ve had a baby. And there are many reasons why. Pregnancy causes a woman’s breasts to swell in preparation for her body…
September 13th, 2018
When women consult with Dr. Hall for breast enhancement, they have a lot of choices and considerations to make. In fact, there are so many different decisions to make regarding your breast augmentations surgery that at first, it may seem overwhelming! Don’t worry. Dr. Hall is here to help walk you through all the steps…
September 3rd, 2018
Many women desire breast enhancement surgery. Some want to undergo the procedure because they’ve never been happy with the natural size of their breasts. Other women desire breast augmentation due to changes in their breasts that have occurred during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or aging. Regardless of the reasons you want breast implants, plastic surgeon Dr. Hall…
August 20th, 2018
As many of Dr. Hall’s past and current plastic surgery patients will tell you, their decision to undergo their elective plastic surgery procedure has brought them a huge boost of self-confidence. Whether they’ve never been happy with the appearance of a certain aspect of their body, have recently lost a significant amount of weight but…
August 6th, 2018
Any time a woman visits me for a breast enhancement surgery consultation, there’s a motivator behind it. But, just what pushes women from desiring larger breasts to actually taking the next step by scheduling a consultation to discuss the surgery? Below is a list of 3 main motivators for breast enhancement surgery. 1 .You’ve never…
August 1st, 2017
I’m 23 and have already started botox. Yes-you read that right. There are so many misconceptions when it comes to botox and fillers, whether you’re 24 or 54. My idea of botox prior to being educated, was that you only got botox over the age of 50 when you tend to have more visible wrinkles…
April 4th, 2017
One of the hardest decisions that women have to make during the consultations for breast augmentation is the size of their breast augmentation implants. Women often spend a considerable amount of time deciding which size is best for them and trying to imagine what their bodies will look like afterward. We love when our patients…
September 25th, 2017
Undergoing any kind of surgery is a big deal, including breast augmentation. Women that are thinking of getting breast implants often ask us about the recovery period for this kind of procedure. While many patients spend a lot of time thinking about the preoperative decisions, it’s just as important to plan ahead for the recovery….
September 14th, 2017
For our patients that suffer from uneven and asymmetrical eyes, it can sometimes feel like you’re the only one in the world that is dealing with it. But the truth is that facial asymmetry is incredibly common. There are a huge range of factors that can influence how our appearance develops which is why asymmetry…
September 4th, 2017
Beginning the process of getting a breast augmentation is a little like opening Pandora’s Box: you’ll often discover more questions than answers. One of the most difficult and confusing decisions for our patients is about breast implant placement. This decision has massive implications for the procedure, the recovery period, and also for the appearance of…
August 24th, 2017
Our patients spend a lot of time considering which size implant is right for them. Patients tend to struggle with this decision because they want to get enough volume to be noticeable, but they don’t want to go “too big” and get an unnatural look with their breast augmentation. Women almost always ask us, “Well,…
August 14th, 2017
Your eyes are one of the main focal points of your face. If you’ve started to notice drooping skin around your eyes, then you’ve almost certainly started to think about the option of getting eyelid surgery. Men and women can not only improve the appearance of their eyes with a blepharoplasty (the technical term for…
August 2nd, 2017
Getting any kind of plastic surgery is a huge decision and making sure you know every detail of the procedure is critical. Dr. Hall is one of the most patient and understanding surgeons in the region. One question that he spends a great deal of time discussing with patients is the difference between silicone and…
July 24th, 2017
One of the most common plastic surgery procedures is breast augmentation. Women that are unhappy with their breasts and women who have had a mastectomy can feel more feminine and get a huge boost to their self-esteem with breast implants. The procedure is safe and, thanks to many advancements in technology and surgical techniques, not…
July 13th, 2017
Our breast augmentation patients often tell us that as they start to do their research they often uncover more questions than answers. While that is obviously frustrating to our potential patients, it is great news for us! We love when our patients come to their consultations prepared with a bunch of questions. One of the…
July 3rd, 2017
The loose skin under your eyes can make you look tired and older than you actually are. Many of our patients report that this loose, sagging skin under their eyes is often the first thing they look at in the morning and the last thing they notice at night. It doesn’t have to be this…
June 22nd, 2017
One of the most common questions we get asked by our patients is about replacing their implants after 10 years. We absolutely love when our patients come prepared with a list of questions for Dr. Hall. But one of the biggest pieces of misinformation out there is this idea that after 10 years or so,…
June 12th, 2017
The patients that come to Dr. Hall for breast augmentation usually have a couple of top priorities: they want to get a noticeable boost in breast volume, but they also don’t want their new breasts to look unnatural. One of the biggest concerns for women is that people will be able to see “rippling” along…
June 1st, 2017
As any mom can attest to, pregnancy is an amazing but painful experience with often permanent effects on their body. A very common issue after childbirth is something called diastasis recti. Pregnancy stretches the skin and muscles on the stomach to such a degree that the muscles on the left and right sides can separate….
May 22nd, 2017
We truly live in incredible times. Our patients now have more options than ever before to help freshen their appearance and take years off of their face that never existed before recently. One of the most popular, non-invasive treatments for facial wrinkles and creases is Botox. Men and women can get safe, natural-looking, and near-instant…
May 11th, 2017
Crow’s feet are some of the most noticeable wrinkles on the entire face. Since our eyes are one of the primary focal points on the face, seeing those crooked wrinkles streaking out from the corners of the eyes can be distracting and unattractive. Many patients ask us what actually causes those wrinkles, and the answer…
May 1st, 2017
There are 43 muscles in your face, and each of them has a unique job to help you speak, smile, frown, and make every other facial expression. Some of the most active of these muscles are the orbital muscles located around the openings of your eyes. These muscles are the main culprits behind the infamous…
April 20th, 2017
Botox is one of the most popular forms of non-invasive treatment for facial wrinkles. It works quickly; it lasts a long time, and it is incredibly safe. But one of the questions that we frequently get is whether or not wrinkles can be prevented by Botox. Men and women that are hoping to freshen their…
April 10th, 2017
When we look at another person’s face, we usually notice the eyes and the mouth. But when it comes to the nose, we typically only focus on it only when there is something unusual about it. One of the most common issues that patients call us about is a short, upturned nose. This is sometimes…
March 30th, 2017
You may remember first time they started to notice the wrinkles on your face. You probably also remember when you started to wish you should completely smooth them out. One of the most popular non-invasive methods to treat wrinkles is with Botox. Men and women can get terrific, fast, and natural-looking results with Botox. Of…
March 20th, 2017
Many patients don’t realize that the rhinoplasty has been around for a very long time. But over the last few years, a great debate has emerged among doctors and plastic surgeons about the technical aspects of the rhinoplasty. Patients that have started to look into getting a so-called “nose job” will undoubtedly come across the…
March 9th, 2017
When it comes to getting breast implants, women often find there are many more questions and decisions than they initially anticipated. Women often come to our offices with an idea of the size of implant that they want and maybe even the type of incision they want to use. But something that patients often don’t…
February 27th, 2017
As you start to do homework and research on breast augmentation, women often come face-to-face with a difficult decision: where the incision and resulting scar should be. There’s no way around it: if you’re ready to move forward with breast augmentation, there’s going to be a scar. The big choice is where and how large…
February 16th, 2017
One of the biggest decisions that our patients have to make when it comes to their breast augmentation is the type of breast implants they will choose. Women usually come prepared to their consultations with the size of implant they want and the type (silicone or saline). However, there is one major consideration that many…
February 6th, 2017
Think of the last time you had a conversation with someone. Where did your eyes focus? While you probably spent most of the time looking at the eyes or the mouth. Chances are, you probably don’t remember much of what someone’s nose looked like. If your nose is too large or an unusual shape, it’s…
November 7th, 2016
In the past few years, we have seen a quantum shift in the treatment of breast cancer. Medical treatments for breast cancer – chemotherapy, hormone treatments, and genetic treatments – have changed significantly, and although no cancer treatment is “easy”, newer therapies are much more effective and patient-friendly than in the past. Likewise, radiation treatments…
November 1st, 2016
Do you take all your photos from an upper angle to avoid the look of squishing or rolling that happens when you see your image from a lower perspective? Do you walk around with your head held high – only to avoid making the excess fat and skin beneath your chin more noticeable? People who…
October 24th, 2016
Patients considering blepharoplasty surgery often ask our staff about recovery time after an eyelid procedure. Most patients will have about a week of recovery time, and a few weeks following to see the full results. Blepharoplasty can correct a number of issues you may be experiencing around your eyelid area. If you look in the…
October 17th, 2016
“Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art.” -Eleanor Roosevelt Aging isn’t what it used to be. Stories of mature celebrities casting off the stigma associated with growing older are becoming more prevalent in the media with each passing year, confirming that aging doesn’t have to be…
October 11th, 2016
Do you feel that you always seem to look “old and tired” even though you’re wide awake? You’ve tried getting more sleep each night. You’ve used every under-eye cream or serum available, and you still have bags under your eyes every day. If you want to restore a more alert and youthful appearance, you should…
October 3rd, 2016
Are you considering breast implants, but have questions like, what size, what shape, and what material is best for me? What looks the most natural? You aren’t alone – these are some of the most frequently asked questions about breast implants in our plastic surgery practice. Size & Shape of Breast Implants Patients who’ve decided…
September 26th, 2016
Eyelid surgery patients who choose Dr. Hall as their doctor have often already tried non-surgical treatments to improve the appearance of their eyelids and under-eye area. If you’re not sure what type of treatment is right for you, and are concerned about getting results that can stand the test of time, we encourage you to…
September 21st, 2016
When people look at your face, one of the first things they stare at is your nose. As the central focal point one your face, having a crooked, bumpy, or oversized nose can cause you serious anxiety and really hurt your self-confidence. Obviously, your nose isn’t just for looks. One very common issue that our…
September 8th, 2016
Your spouse, your first house, your first child: these are all monumental life events that fundamentally change you forever. But deciding on your plastic surgeon is another one of those huge decisions that will stay with you for the rest of your life. Here at Dr. Hall’s practice, when our patients decide to work with…
August 29th, 2016
Only a mother can understand the incredible toll that pregnancy puts on your body. Unfortunately, after your pregnancy, getting your body back can sometimes feel like an impossible task. Even with grueling workout regimens and restrictive diets, things like stretch marks, stubborn areas of fat around your tummy and legs, and the lost fullness of…
August 1st, 2016
We’ve all seen celebrities with plump, luscious lips and felt a surge of envy for that pouty, bee-stung look. For our patients, lip augmentation is a fast and safe option to help them get full, natural-looking lips and feel better about how they look. If you’ve spent any time looking online for information on lip…
July 20th, 2016
For many of my patients, breast lift surgery can be one of the best and fastest ways to improve the appearance of drooping breasts. Whether it’s from pregnancies, breast feeding, or just time and gravity, when you start thinking about getting surgery, one of the first questions you probably have is “how long will the…
July 8th, 2016
For a woman, a regular exercise routine is simply part of taking pride in your appearance. As a natural extension of this, you may find yourself considering breast augmentation surgery. However, one of the biggest concerns my breast augmentation patients have is how much time they will have to take off from exercise after surgery….
June 30th, 2016
Suppose you have a favorite dress – a dress makes you feel comfortable, confident, and looks better on you than anything else you own. Of course, you want all your friends to be able to look and feel just as good as you do when you wear that dress, but can they all just go…
June 13th, 2016
Chances are you may have seen pictures of lip augmentations gone wrong on television or in the tabloids. While it’s true that these things can happen, all the negative press surrounding these mishaps has served to sully public perception of what can actually be a very positive cosmetic treatment. In truth, the entire look and…
June 2nd, 2016
It is said that the eyes are the windows to the soul, but what do you do when your eyes don’t at all reflect what you’re feeling inside? You may be experiencing frustration at the way your emotions and energy don’t match what your eyes are telling those around you. If you have droopy upper…
May 27th, 2016
For some people, the mere mention of the word “surgery” is enough to send them running for the door. In truth, cosmetic procedures – especially ones like eyelid surgery that can be performed in an office setting – are very safe and have been performed successfully countless times. Nonetheless, you may find yourself asking if…
May 19th, 2016
Few experiences in life can rival the joy a woman gets the first time she sees her baby. Creating new life brings a sense of awe and wonder that culminates when you give birth, but it also takes a heavy toll on your body. Weight gain, the stretching of skin, and other changes your body…
May 10th, 2016
Botox®, also known as botulinum toxin, has become famed the world over for its ability to help soften and minimize fine lines and wrinkles on the face. Even more attractive is the fact that Botox® injections are a non-surgical treatment that can be administered in minutes, most often without even the need for anesthetic. Despite…
May 9th, 2016
Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, we now all have health insurance, since it’s essentially illegal not to. One of the things you may have noticed over the past few years is that each year, you see an increase in the amount you pay out of your pocket every month. And, if you try to…
April 28th, 2016
As a woman, your breasts are more than just an indication of gender – they’re a symbol of your femininity and beauty. Unfortunately, age, weight loss, and child birth can cause your breasts to sag and lose volume, leaving you feeling less beautiful than you once were. Thankfully, you don’t just have to accept these…
April 19th, 2016
Your face is the first thing people notice when they meet you. Like any cosmetic procedure, we understand that a decision to have chin surgery is very personal and not one you make lightly. You want to know that your surgeon will recognize the unique contours of your face and give you a result you…
April 7th, 2016
Botox® injections have been in use for many years for the treatment of fine lines and wrinkles on the face and are generally considered to one of be the safest and least invasive solutions to these problems. That said, as with any cosmetic procedure, there are some risks involved. Thankfully, these risks can be minimized…
March 29th, 2016
Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, can give your upper and lower eyelids the youthful appearance they have lost with age. The eyes are often the first to show signs of aging in the form of: Puffiness Bags Excess skin Drooping eyelids Dark circles By removing skin (and sometimes fat) from the eyelids, your plastic surgeon can…
March 22nd, 2016
Chances are you may not pay much attention to your nose…unless, of course, you’re unhappy with it. A nose that’s ill-suited to your face can cause everything else to look unbalanced and give you no end of grief in self-consciousness. Thankfully, a variety of cosmetic and even functional issues of the nose can be remedied…
March 15th, 2016
There are three main types of incisions used for breast augmentation. The first two that go through the breasts and give patients the best results are: Periareolar: Placed at the border of the nipple. The scar is the least visible but can prove problematic when you breastfeed. Inframammary: Placed in or slightly above the breast…
March 1st, 2016
Facial contouring provides the structure and shape for an attractive face that communicates health and beauty. Handsome men are noted for their strong chin and defined jawline. Beautiful women have softly continuous curves and a chin balancing other features that define the proportions of beauty. Patients who are unhappy with the appearance of their chin…
February 25th, 2016
Dark circles under the eye are a common complaint and are caused by many different things from poor sleep hygiene to allergies to your genetic makeup. Treatment for under eye circles can include: eye creams, chemical peels, lasers, injectable fillers, or surgery. Many people want improvement with facial aging and would like to improve their…
February 17th, 2016
The elasticity of skin on all parts of our body starts to wear out as we get older. Breasts are no exception and begin to droop: After pregnancy and breastfeeding. During and right after menopause. From the weight of large, heavy breasts. A breast lift can bring your breasts up to an ideal position by…
February 5th, 2016
Most patients who want to reshape their nose will automatically consider a rhinoplasty without knowing about the non-surgical options. Minor problems with the structure of your nose can be corrected by using fillers such as Juvederm or Voluma to reduce the size of bumps and fill in areas lacking volume. The plastic surgeon typically shapes…
January 26th, 2016
Full and luscious lips add sensuality to your overall appearance. Though recognized as a feminine standard of beauty, men can also benefit from lip enhancement that refines their chiseled looks. Two commonly used procedures are injecting fat into the lips or using filler to enhance definition and volume. Both of these techniques produce excellent results…
December 17th, 2015
After having kids your body can look much different than before pregnancy. Becoming a mom is rewarding, but many Knoxville women are left feeling less confident about their bodies than before children. A mommy makeover combines treatments to reshape the breasts and body to your ideal. Before considering a mommy makeover, it’s important to keep…
December 30th, 2015
There are a number of reasons Knoxville patients develop bags under their eyelids. Despite getting enough sleep at night (we should all be getting 6-8 hours!) you may still suffer from puffy eyes that don’t seem to go away. The most frustrating and number one cause of eyelid problems is: genetics. Your parents and family…
December 2nd, 2015
Botox is the best-known non-surgical option for treating lines and wrinkles on the face. While other options exist, Botox has proven effective for nearly thirty years and does not lose its effect with follow-up treatments. This means you can keep up your Botox treatments and maintain your youthful look. But how long will the treatment…
November 20th, 2015
With the rising popularity of plastic surgery, a growing number of doctors have started to specialize. Unfortunately, not all “cosmetic” surgeons take the time for proper training and certification needed for surgical excellence and quality patient care. Knowing your plastic surgeon’s specializations and background prior to going under the knife is a step that eager…
November 6th, 2015
A blepharoplasty, or eyelid lift, can open up your eyes by removing excess skin and fat from your upper or lower eyelids. Many patients develop forehead wrinkles because they are using their forehead muscles to lift upper eyes that droop. Constant use of the forehead muscles can create permanent lines and wrinkles over time. How…
July 29th, 2015
When you see us to do a little something nice for yourself, you will be helping someone else in the process. “For You, For All.” – learn more here.
April 14th, 2015
plas-tic (’plas-tik) adj. 1. capable of adapting to varying conditions 2. able to be shaped or molded As with no other specialty in medicine, plastic surgery embraces the art and science of change. As a plastic surgeon, I am given the opportunity to change bodies, change outlooks, and change lives on a daily basis. It…
October 15th, 2014
I frequently get questions about rhinoplasty (aka: a “nose job”). Specifically, many people who are interested in changing the shape of their nose want to know what the down-time following a nose job will be. The answer is: it depends. Typically there are a few things that anyone who has a rhinoplasty can expect, and…
October 2nd, 2014
In recent years, the buttock augmentation (Brazilian Butt Lift, or BBL for short) has rapidly become one of the most requested procedures in many plastic surgeons’ offices. The well publicized posteriors of women such as Jennifer Lopez and Kim Kardashian have, no doubt, been a major contributing factor to this trend. A question I get…
August 22nd, 2014
Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, can be performed on either the upper eyelids, the lower eyelids, or both. The general goals are to reduce visible signs of aging, puffiness, and sagging skin. In general, the approach most commonly used is to make incisions where scars will be concealed within the natural folds and creases of the…
August 12th, 2014
The patients that I see for mommy makeover surgery typically fall into one of two categories: those who have recently had a child and those who had their last child several years before. If you’re in the first category, one of the big questions you likely have is, “When can I have the procedure?” As…
June 10th, 2014
I think that if most of us had the choice between having surgery and not having surgery, we’d choose the latter over the former most days of the week. The question is: How do you get the benefit of surgery without the “surgery” part? My grandmother had a saying: “An ounce of prevention is worth…
Here is a list (and brief description) of some of the products that I recommend to help keep your skin looking healthy, clear, and youthful. These products are ideal for younger patients (20-40 years old) who want to preserve, protect, and enhance the youthful radiance of their skin. If you have sun damage or color…
April 28th, 2014
I’ve said it before on my Facebook page (and on Twitter, too): “Children are a wonder: they make you wonder what happened to your figure.” Any woman who has had children can attest to the fact that having children can wreak havoc on even the best physiques. Some women are able to bounce back like…
April 4th, 2014
Do I need a Breast Augmentation or a Breast Lift? Many women come into the office asking about cosmetic breast procedures, but there is confusion about which procedure women need (or want, as the case may be). A breast lift and a breast augmentation are two different operations with two different goals: A breast augmentation…
March 20th, 2014
I love using Yelp for online searches. My wife and I started using it when I was a fellow at Stanford for pretty much everything – restaurants, dry cleaners, barbers, kid places…It was awesome. After awhile, I quit being a Yelp voyeur and started Yelp-ing myself – reviewing places that I went. I still look…
March 12th, 2014
I’m stepping out on a limb here…but – nothing ventured, nothing gained. I’ll be the first to admit that I initially discovered yoga because of fitness. Really, I discovered yoga because of a lack of fitness. I remember it vividly – we sat down as a family and my wife suggested I sit “Indian style”…
February 26th, 2014
I trained forever. I’m happy where I ended up, but it took me forever to get here. I took the long road – a full general surgery residency before starting plastic surgery. One of the many things I credit my general surgery training with is making me (I hope) a good doctor. I took care…
January 27th, 2014
Medicine has always been a “hands-on” specialty. The “laying on of hands” is and always has been a crucial and vital part of the diagnostic process. There is no CT scan, MRI, ultrasound, or blood test that can substitute for your doctor sitting down with you, listening to what is wrong, and examining you with…
November 18th, 2013
What makes a face look old? What makes a face look tired? Conversely, what makes a face look young and refreshed? Within seconds of meeting someone, we formulate a subconscious opinion of them based on their appearance: Young or old? Friendly or mean? Someone we can trust or someone we should avoid? Recall the last…
October 23rd, 2013
An article in the October edition of the white journal (Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery – “the” plastic surgery journal) made the news recently. In it, the authors claimed that patients who underwent body contouring after gastric bypass had better long-term weight control than patients who just had weight loss surgery without plastic surgery. Big News,…
September 3rd, 2013
After losing massive amounts of weight, getting rid of all the extra skin that is the final step in many of my patients’ transformation into their “new self”. There is a common perception that plastic surgery after massive weight loss is covered by most insurance plans. This article will describe what procedure is – and…
August 27th, 2013
Everyone has those mornings – you get a terrible night’s sleep and feel awful the next day. You feel tired…and you look just as tired as you feel. The reasons for this are many, but one of the main giveaways happens around the eyes. Puffy or swollen eyelids almost go hand-in-hand with a terrible night’s…
July 12th, 2013
Nothing betrays the effects of a healthy lifestyle like bags under the eyes. They leave you looking tired, older, or (arguably worse) like you had a few too many the night before. None of these are things you want to convey to a co-worker, boss, or potential suitor. There are three main reasons for lower…
May 31st, 2013
In 2012, over 286,000 breast augmentations were performed in the United States. In May of 2013, two major breast-health announcements hit the news. First, a study published in the British Medical Journal suggested that women with breast implants have an increased risk of developing breast cancer. What garnered more media attention (including the cover of…
April 24th, 2013
A recent PR piece from MD Anderson about the use of the DaVinci operating robot to perform a muscle-flap breast reconstruction got me thinking about the technology that I use in my own practice and the more important question: Why do I use the “advanced” technology that I do? I’ll be the first to admit…
April 11th, 2013
Look around on the internet for plastic surgery after massive weight loss, and chances are that you’ll see lots of references to a “Body Lift”, a “Total Body Lift” or a “360 Lift”. Many people think that this is the only procedure that is done to reshape the trunk after a weight loss procedure. While…
March 24th, 2013
Despite being one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the United States, there are lots of myths and rumors about liposuction and who may be the best candidates. Is liposuction good for getting rid of a few extra pounds before a social function or to “trim up” for swimsuit weather? Is liposuction a good…
March 14th, 2013
Weight loss takes a toll on your body, and in no area is this more apparent than in the breasts. Many of my female patients were happy with the size and shape of their breasts before their weight loss surgery, and find that the youthful shape and size of their breasts are the first things…
December 21st, 2012
Let’s face it – most of us have made New Year’s Resolutions that we break about a week later. Last year, though, I made what is probably the most common one: lose weight/get healthy. The difference is: I KEPT it! Rather easily, I might add. I dropped 25 pounds and 4 inches from my waist…
November 18th, 2012
Breast Augmentation is once again in the news – but this time for something positive! A paper published in the July edition of the most widely read plastic surgery journal (disclaimer: I review potential papers for this journal but had nothing to do with this one) found that women who have undergone breast enlargement surgery…
October 30th, 2012
There has been lots of talk in the news recently highlighting a number of courageous patients who have undergone transplants of part or all of their faces. Both they and the team of doctors that are taking care of them are to be commended – these operations are pushing the boundaries of what is medically…
October 1st, 2012
I recently posted a comment on my Facebook page asking for topics that would make good blog posts. I got some private messages with requests which I will honor, but will answer the lone public post first (to encourage more of you to post public comments, as much as anything else). Prominent leg veins are…
September 19th, 2012
As I kissed my wife and daughter good-bye at the security checkpoint, I was wracked with guilt and uncertainty. Why, exactly, was I getting on a plane bound for Zimbabwe and leaving two crying women – the two most important people in my life – behind? I kept telling myself that I was going because…
August 22nd, 2012
With all the money, connections, and “inside information” that TV and film celebrities seem to have, why do many of them end up looking fake (or downright odd) after plastic surgery? As I was sitting in my dentist’s office the other day, we started talking about this subject, and it really got me wondering: WHY?…
August 5th, 2012
‘What size should I be?’. That is the question nearly every woman I see asks very early on in their breast augmentation consultation. Most ask already knowing what size they WANT to be (it’s usually a ‘small C’, in case you were wondering). Breast implants, both silicone and saline, are sold by volume, ranging from…
July 25th, 2012
The “Mommy Makeover”. The often talked-about but difficult-to-define plastic surgery operation. The term can mean different things to different people, and no two “mommy makeovers” are alike. In essence, the goal is to reverse the havoc childbearing wrecks on a woman’s body. For most women, a “Mommy Makeover” means: Breast Rejuvenation Abdominal enhancement Now…I don’t…
July 18th, 2012
I love what I do. I think that I may have one of the coolest professions on the planet…take a look into a day in my (work) life and perhaps you will see why. From a plastic surgery standpoint, my practice is unique, and that’s exactly the way I want it. Yes, I do cosmetic…
July 9th, 2012
I love taking care of children. It’s a great part of my job. Yes – kids terrorize the office. They empty the jar of lollipops on the front desk. And we’ve had more than one room-clearing newborn poop (which usually happens right when I’m trying to examine them). But it’s great, and I wouldn’t have…
June 6th, 2012
The internet and social media are changing the way medicine is practiced. If you’re reading this, then you and I are on the forefront of that change. However, at the core of the practice of medicine is the doctor-patient relationship, which is arguably the most sacred and trusting relationships two relative strangers can place themselves…
May 14th, 2012
I get a lot of questions from friends and patients alike about the different ways to add “fullness” to the lips. It is fairly obvious that there are lots of celebrities and people walking in the grocery store who have had various fillers injected into their lips. One of the telltale signs is the “bicycle tire”…
May 31st, 2012
You hear lots of buzz these days about making sure your doctor is “board certified”. What does that mean? Let me start by saying that I am board certified in 2 specialties – general and plastic surgery. I’m proud of it. It took lots of hard work to get there. Now, I’m not going to…
May 8th, 2012
I’m happy to announce my affiliation with Knoxville’s first and only comprehensive weight management program – The Davis Clinic. Lead by Drs. Robert Davis, Garth Davis, and John Primomo, The Davis Clinic has been helping to change the lives of Texans and patients from all across the country with their approach to both surgical and…
May 4th, 2012
I’m a plastic surgeon based out of Knoxville, TN with additional training in craniofacial surgery (which is surgery of the bones and soft tissues of the face). While it seems like a fairly narrowly defined field, what I do runs the gamut from cleft lip and palate to corrective jaw surgery to fillers and facelifts….
Contact us today to schedule your appointment with renowned plastic surgeon and face, body & breast specialist Dr. Jason Hall. Take your first steps to a more confident and natural you.
9239 Park W Blvd #202, Knoxville, TN 37923
(865) 973-9500
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